On your terms!

I am on the cusp of turning 50, making me reflective I suppose of the successes, stresses and learning moments in my life. And as I watch my parents, family members and some friends start to deal with the health and life consequences of ageing, I wanted to put everything together in a guidebook, not just for myself, but for women everywhere.

I often work with clients that suddenly find themselves in a living situation they don’t want, surrounded by things that have no meaning, and whose health and happiness are further harmed by their children who only want the best for them.

Ageing and declining health are inevitable, but how we manage our lives, our communications with family and friends and planning for the future are all well within our control.

The checklist approach

A checklist is the best way to organize thoughts, to-do items, and complicated plans so that everything you need to do to maximize the last 10-30 years of your life is taken care of.

Sadly this list will not prevent a stroke or cure cancer, but what it will do is 

  1. Make your life better now and in the future by relieving the worry that comes from not knowing what will happen.
  2. Make your children’s lives less stressful in the event that they need to make decisions for you, as the information they require will be organized, easily accessible, and clear.
  3. Help you plan to stay in your home safely if that is your wish.
  4. Keep you surrounded by the things you love and value in the event that you need to move to a smaller space (especially a care home)
  5. Give you joy by ensuring that food, events and photos you love continue to be part of your life.
30 days of things to do.

This book is designed to be done in 30 days, some days will just require a few minutes, some will take all day, ( cleaning out closets comes to mind as a job that always takes way longer than I plan.) Some days you can easily do alone, but some days might be better or more fun with help.

But even the days that you have helped will go smoother with a plan.  And you don’t have to do all 30 days in a row, and truthfully some of the days you will have already done, and a quick review will be all that you need.

So let’s get started.